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Welcome to Stack9 Core developer documentation!


Stack9 is a battle-tested NodeJs / ReactJs Docker application used as the base component for rapid-development of enterprise web applications.

At it's core, it allows software developers to specify entity definitions which serve as building blocks for dynamic generated data management screens, generation of RESTFul Data API endpoints and dynamic provisioning of relational database schemas to store application data.

Further to this, Stack9 is designed to work with Azure / AWS services natively to avoid monolithic software architectures and leverage cloud managed services that scale such as containerization (serverless), object storage (AWS S3, Azure Blog), Azure AD IdP and the orchestration of distributed systems, making use of message queue architecture (AWS SQS, Azure storage queue) and long running processing services (AWS Batch, Azure Durable Functions).

Since the Stack9 platform is a data management tool designed to fit various use cases, configuration and customization of a Stack9-powered application has no boundaries. Any software developer with NodeJs / ReactJs skills is able to create applications easily with the full suite of available components/libraries from the JavaScript community.

Stack9 Team Support

Stack9 Core team gives to enterprises the support necessary to implement and develop in the best way their system.