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Message Queue Handlers (Stack9-core v2.0)

In Stack9 v2.0.0 was introduced the ability to interact with message queue services (AWS SQS & Azure Queue Storage), in order to work with message queues, a message queue handler needs to be configured.

Getting started

Create a new file in stack9/server/mq-handlers called my-example-handler.js

@prop context - object - context
@prop message - object - queue message

class ExampleHandler {
  constructor(message, context) {
    this.message = message;
    this.context = context;

  async handleMessage() {
    // ...


module.exports = {
  queue: "my-example-handler",
  handleMessage: (m, c) => new ExampleHandler(m, c).handleMessage()

or in TypeScript

class ExampleMqHandler {
  constructor(private message: IMessageQueueMessage, private context: MQHandlerContext) {

  async handleMessage() {
    // ...

export { 
  queue: 'my-example-handler', 
  handleMessage: (m, c) => new ExampleMqHandler(m, c).handleMessage() 

If an error is threw in handleMessage, the MQS service will try to process the message again.

Queuing a message

Context provides a service called message where you can queue a message to the handler.

@param queue - string - should match the queue name in the handler
@param body - string - body payload

    queue: 'my-example-handler',
    body: JSON.stringify({ data: {} }),


Register in the stack9/app.json.

@prop command - string - should match the filename without extension.

  "mqHandlers": [
      "command": "my-example-handler"

Native handlers

Stack9 has some predefined handlers and their queue name are prefixed with underscore.

Setup your environment

Message queue configuration