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Stack9 Query Object

Stack9 Query Object is the object that Stack9 uses to query the entities from Stack9

$withRelatedstring[]String array to set the entity's relationships to come with in the query
$selectstring[]String array with the properties to retrieve from the query
$whereStack9CriteriaObjectObject that represents the where clause in the query
$sortSortObjectObject that represents the order by clause in the query [property: string]: 1 or -1

Stack9 Criteria Object

property: value

Specifies equality condition. This operator matches documents where the value of a field equals the specified value.

// e.g. Finding the user with specific credential
  "$where": {
    "email": "",
    "password": "encodedPassword"


Specifies like condition. This operator matches documents where the value of a field contains the specified value.

// e.g. Finding the all the users with gmail account
  "$where": {
    "email": {
      "$like": ""


Specifies Greater than condition. $gt selects those documents where the value of the field is greater than the specified value.

// e.g. Get everyone who was born in 2000 or greater.
  "$where": {
    "dob": { "$gt": "1999-12-31" }

Specifies Greater than or equals condition. $gte selects those documents where the value of the field is greater than or equals to the specified value.

// e.g. Get everyone who was born in 2000 or greater.
  "$where": {
    "dob": { "$gte": "2000-01-01" }


Specifies Lower than condition. $lt selects those documents where the value of the field is lower than the specified value.

// e.g. Get everyone who was born before 2000.
  "$where": {
    "dob": { "$lt": "2000-01-01" }

Specifies Lower than or equal condition. $lte selects those documents where the value of the field is lower than or equals to the specified value.

// e.g. Get everyone who was born before 2000.
  "$where": {
    "dob": { "$lte": "1999-12-31" }


Specifies not equal condition. $ne selects those documents where the value of the field is not equal to null.

  "where": {
    "user_id": { "$ne": null }


Specifies a boolean condition. $or selects those documents where at least the value of one of the fields is true.

  "where": {
    "$or": [{ "is_customer": true }, { "is_importer": true }]


Specifies a boolean condition. $and selects those documents where the value of all fields are true.

  "where": {
    "$and": [{ "is_customer": true }, { "is_importer": true }]