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MongoDB Service (Stack9-core v3.0)


MongoDB is the world's most widely used document-based NoSQL database and, in recent years, is becoming a viable alternative to relational databases.

Stack9 Core started using MongoDB from v2.5+, initially to store User Notification, yet it can be incorporate to others features.

For more information about User Notification, see Notifications ⇗


Here are some examples of query operations using MongoDB. The examples are using the user_notification collection.


  • Collections: A group of documents, a collection exists within a single database.

  • Query: The query operator forces MongoDB to interpret an expression as a query, query is necessary to work with documents that contain a field name query.

  • Filter: Means selecting only the necessary data rather than selecting whole of the data of the document.

  • Options: Extra options to modify the method, it is optional.

find(collectionName, filter, options?):

The find() method is used to select documents in a collection and return a cursor to the selected documents.

        seen: false,
        userId: 1
        limit: 5 

findOne(collectionName, filter, options?):

The findOne() method returns a single document from a collection or view.

        seen: false,
        userId: 1,
        skip: 1

count(collectionName, filter, options?):

The count() method does not perform the find() operation but instead counts and returns the number of results that match a query.

        seen: false,
        userId: 1

createCollection(collectionName, options?):

This method is used for creating new collections that use specific options.

        template: {
            icon: ,
            title: ,
            message ,

insertOne(collectionName, values):

Insert a single document into a collection and return the _id of the inserted document.

        userId: 1,
        entityId: 2,
        content: 'message'

insertMany(collectionName, docs, options?):

It takes an array of documents to insert in the collection.

        userId: 1,
        content: ['content1'], ['content2']

bulkWrite(collectionName, operations, options?):

It is a method builder which is used to construct a list of write operations to perform in bulk for many collections.

        updateOne: {
        filter: {
          userId: 1,
        update: { 
                $set: {    // data that we want to update
                     seen: true,
                     desc: 'Description has been updated' 
        upsert: true,  // Optional. A boolean to indicate whether to perform an upsert. By default, upsert is false.

deleteOne(collectionName, filter, options?):

Deletes the first document that matches the filter, use a field such as id for precise operations.

        _id: ObjectId("563237a41a4d68582c2509da")

deleteMany(collectionName, filter, options?):

Remove all documents that match the filter from a collection.

        userId: 1

For more information, please visit oficial documentation: MongoDB website ⇗